Sunday, February 13, 2011

Unbearable Lightness..Portia De Rossi


Unknown said...

way to go Wendy...I like 'seeing' you....I cooked a nice little piece of catfish, asparagus with lemon and buttercup squash for lunch today....sounds good, right?....I did not, however, use the Dr. Oz rule; I 'scarfed' it down- with little or no respect-"knife and fork down after every bite" ha!.. I'm glad I tuned in and got a little reminder.

stuff to sell said...

Hi Wendy
Again another interesting blog...
I loved the segment of Porta D book..that you read..I saw her on Oprah a couple months ago and she talked about it her book quite a bit.

Did you see the Vegan Oprah Show? I'm not interested in veganism for myself but they talked about enjoying your food and understanding the process of where it comes from.

Kind of like "french women don't get fat"

Glad your blogs are back and enjoying that they are videoed.

NewMe said...

Hi Wendy,

It sounds like you're moving towards intuitive or mindful eating. Bravo! Google the two terms, there are lots of wonderful people talking about it. I started with Paul McKenna's book "I Can Make You Thin" and no, it didn't make me thin, but it's really helped with my attitude towards food and how I eat.

I have come to the conclusion that diets really don't work: ultimately, dieting just makes us fatter.

While I've been exploring mindful eating, I've also been looking at the HAES movement. That's "health at every size". Dr. Linda Bacon has written extensively and intelligently about the topic. Please look her up too.

And feel free to visit my blog. I love to meet new people and hear what they have to say.