Tuesday, September 21, 2004

La famille est importante

Noordwijk 1989

Last night I went to airport to pick up my favorite Aunt arriving in from Amsterdam. Tante Lies ! She has'nt seen her sister, my mom in over 3 years, and hasn't been back in Toronto for 16 years. Of course seeing your extended family once again reminds me how important it is to stay in touch and also how lucky we all that we have such a large family and more importantly a LOVING family !

Although unfortunatly alot of them have died over the last 20 years. In the picture above, 4 of our loved ones have died. But happily all the kids are all grown up and are all in there teens.

Remember to tell your loved one, your daughter, your neice your partner every day that you love them, it will really make you feel good !

WOW great weather today, sunny summer is still here ... Tonight I will go down to beach with Milo and Lies !


Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy,
Nice picture! I remember the location but not the occasion.
Hope you all are doing well.

Anonymous said...

Yup, we aslo breaking our head over the occasion. It looks rather summery to me, no one is wearing jumpers.... so it could not have been xmas.... Good fun, and at least the picture gave us 10 minutes of puzzling who and when!

Cheers from Miri Malaysia,

Marianne and Jan